Equipment Needed for Edison Project are the most expensive but they can be used for two years of classes at Quick Study Labs.  I will estimate the cost for materials for Edison Project and all other classes are less expensive. 

For a complete description of classes and needed equipment choose "About Classes" from the menu.  

All the classes on Quick Study Labs are taught from a Christian perspective and some of the projects refer to the King James version of the Bible.  No heavy theology, just discussions about the majesty of God and His wonderful designs in creation "especially electricity."   

Total Estimated Cost for Edison Project and for Introduction to Sensors

Electronic Lab Equipment $75 (Purchased from Elenco or other sources)

Multimeter                      $18  includes S/H to US  (Purchased from this web site)

Batteries                          $5 (Purchased form other sources)

Registration Fee              $55 per eight week class

How do I sign up?

To register for class, click here or follow the  "Register for Class" link on the menu.  

You can reach me on my cell phone at 251-609-5422, but the best way to make contact is by email.  I check morning and evening on most days.  I teach Electronics Engineering Technology the local  Community College on a flex-schedule that has me working some days, some evenings, and some nights, but I'll be glad to call you back if you leave a message.   

If you have questions, please contact me.  I look forward to hearing from you.   

Joel Phillips


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