Material List for Free Class

As all classes on Quick Study Labs, as well as the free class is developed from a Christian point of view.  My belief in God and his power to sustain our wonderful universe does show up in my teaching from time to time.  I like to be clear about this perspective up-front so learners and parents are not surprised later on.  In the lessons there are references to the wonders of our natural world and the majesty of God's hand in its creation! 

 My religiosity consists in a humble admiratation of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality.  (Albert Einstein) Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press)

My views on religion, as a Christian, and Mr. Einstein's differ greatly.  However; Mr. Einstein and I both marvel at the perfect order and mathematical eloquence by which our world functions.  We call these guidelines that govern our world “Laws of Physics” and Mr. Einstein and I both agree on how un-likely such sophisticated order could ever have evolved by chance. 

This free class is designed for homeschool students 12 years old and up.  Parents are responsible for the safety of homeschool students performing any  experiments on Quick Study Labs and by continuing this free class, you agree to provide supervision to students and assure safe practices.  Younger students will need CLOSE supervision throughout this free class.

Experiment 1 "Light a lamp"

Experiment 2  "Atoms and Molecules"

Experiment 3 "Static Electricity"

These experiments are cool, but the best experiments require the lab equipment!  If you are going to take the on-line classes from me, you need to get the lab equipment either from Radio Shack or from as soon as possible so you can be ready when the next class starts.  You must have the lab equipment and a Digital Multimeter before the start date of the class you register for.  Please do not mail me the tuition for classes until the week before class starts, or the first week of class.  Thank you in advance!   

For details on which exciting lab equipment you need, choose "About the Classes" from the main menu.  of Quick Study Labs.  Make sure you have the EXACT lab equipment!  There are several companies that try to sell you something close!  The book will not match the instruction on the website.