Edison Project 8

In Edison Project 8, we are going to put one of my favorite subjects to work.  Magnetism!  Because there are not enough projects in the book to finish out eight weeks of lessons, I have had to come up with some "home made" projects that are out of this world.   

Edison Project 8 

will be so exciting you

 may not sleep well.  

 Edison Project 8 will be the best project yet! just look at the topics and projects listed here and this is just a small taste of the BIG CHEESE!

Topics for discussion include:

  1. The magic behind Superconductors!  

  2. Increasing the power of a motor

  3. What does Magnemotive Force (mmf) have to do with electric motors?

  4. Eliminating unwanted signals with filter circuits.  

  5. The secret behind SCR circuits 

  6. Invisible Magnetic Fields 

  7. Units for Magnetism

  8. Using Thyristors to trap Burglars 

  9. More uses for the left hand rule for coils


Construction Projects Include:  

  1. Discover "Hot Resistance" 

  2. Experiment on Thermal Properties of Metal

  3. Permeability of Materials

  4. Investigate fiber optics

  5. Investigate low resistance loads

  6. Using magnet wire

  7. Build a thyristor from discrete components

  8. Building Electric Motors

  9. Build a Burglar Alarm

  10. Many more!